Cina Ketot
Nur Ixora Bt Mohd Isa
A girl who pretend to be okay

The best i ever had
Khamis, 26 Oktober 2017 | 10:36 PTG | 0 comments

Hi and Assalamualaikum, so this post is for the one who wins my heart. He is the one who be there for me through ups and downs. He is the one who protected me. He know how to make me smile laugh when I'm in the bad day. He's so damn perfect. Muhammad Nur Aiman Bin Muhammad Nur Azman thank you for entering my life. You changed my lifes. I know both of us have our own bad experience in relationship. But past is past stop looking back and hold my hand we start it all over again sayang. 

Sayang, listen I love you so much. I know sometimes I'm a little bit of a dissapointment. I'm sorry sayang. Thank you for stay with me walaupun baru lagi banyak lagi kita kena hadap kan?. But I hope u are strong in mental and physical to go through ups and downs with me. Stay with me. Don't leave me sayang. I really really need you in my life. I cannot describe it anymore, it is you. You are the only one that I will ever want. I belong with you. You are my home sayang. You everything to me. I need you. You are the only thing that matters. 

Aiman, stoplah overthinking and rasa diri tu teruk ke apa okay?. you are actually so damn perfect sayang. Stop okay?. Pastu kalau fikir tu takyah nak fikir jauh sangat. Dont hurt yourself please stop hurt yourself. If you are hurt I will be 20X hurt than you. Ixora tak suka tengok Aiman sedih sedih ke marah ke badmood ke apa Ixora tanak. Ixora cuma nak tengok Aiman happy je because you deserve to be happy sayang. Awak dah penat sakit dulu so give me that chance to change everything that hurt you before this. 

I hope you know that I love you so much than u ever expect . I love every moments with you sayang. I love everything about you sayang. I hope you realize your importance not only to me but to everyone who has been lucky enough to know you. I hope you know that when you're feeling down, I only ever strive for your happiness. I hope you remember that no matter what, I'm here for you ad I fully intend on staying in your life for quite some time. I hope you recognize the fact that I appreciate and adore you without restraints and that this will never change .

Love does not look like a person. Love is our actions. Love is giving all we can even if it's just the bigger slice of cake. Love is understanding. We have the power to hurt one another but we are going to do everything in our power to make sure we don't. Love is figuring out all the kind sweetness we deserved and someone shows up.

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